Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pearson Brown English Lesson -Phrasel Verb "Out"

If you ‘burst out’, you suddenly say something. If you ‘burst out laughing’, you suddenly start to laugh. If you have an ‘outburst’, you express your feelings (usually anger) strongly.

* I burst out laughing when I saw Derek wearing his kilt.
* He suddenly burst out crying when I told him he had lost his job.

If you ‘call somebody out’, you ask them to come to help you.

* We called out the fire brigade because the situation was so dangerous.
* I was called out in the middle of the night because the computer system went down.

If you ‘call out’, you say something loudly.

* If you know the answer, just call it out.
* I called out your name but you couldn’t have heard me.

If you ‘carry out’ a task, you do something you were told or agreed to do.

* We need to carry out a survey to see what people really want.
* I didn’t think he would carry out his threat to resign.

If you ‘clear out’ a place, you remove all the unwanted items.

* We cleared out the old storeroom and turned it into an office.
* You’re fired. Clear out your desk and leave the premises.

If you ‘wear somebody out’ , you make them very tired.

* I’m worn out from all the business trips I take.
* Running two offices in Milan and New York is enough to wear anybody out.

If you ‘work something out’, you make a calculation or make a plan and a decision.

* I need to work out the new prices for next year’s catalogue.
* We need to work out an agreement between our companies.

If something unpleasant or bad ‘breaks out’, it starts.

* The fire broke out in the warehouse.
* A fight broke out in the canteen when somebody tried to jump the queue.

If you ‘drop out’ of an activity, you stop doing it.

* We dropped out of the bidding for the new contract because we were going to make a loss.
* I’ve dropped out of the planning committee because I don’t have the time.

If you ‘fall out’ with someone, you have an argument with them.

* Harry and I have fallen out about the plans for the new building.
* I don’t want to fall out with you but I strongly disagree.


Pearson Brown English Lesson -Phrasel Verb "Out"

If you ‘shut out’ a noise or light you prevent it from being heard or seen. You can also ‘shut out’ emotions and feelings, usually painful ones.

* We need to close the curtains and shut out the light.
* You will have to try to shut out those painful memories.

If you don’t include somebody in an activity, you ‘shut them out’. In the US, if you prevent the other team from scoring, you have ‘shut them out’.

* They claim that women are shut out from the key decision posts.
* The Yankees shut out the Red Sox.

If you ‘storm out’, you leave angrily.

* He stormed out of the meeting with an angry look on his face.
* Don’t storm out. Stay and explain to us why you are so upset.

If you ‘try something out’, you test it to see if it is satisfactory.

* I want to try out this restaurant before we invite clients there.
* The company are trying out a new security system.

If you ‘cry out’, you shout or make a loud noise.

* He cried out in pain.
* He was so frightened that he cried out for help.

In informal English, if something ‘is crying out for’ something, it needs it urgently.

* The company is crying out for better leadership.
* The factory is crying out for modernization.

If you ‘hand out’ something, you give it to everybody in the group.

* Don’t take notes. I’ll hand out a summary later.
* We could try handing out some promotional leaflets in the street.

If you ‘hand out’ advice, criticism, a punishment etc., you give it to somebody (who usually doesn’t want to receive it.)

* She’s good at handing out criticism but she can’t take it.
* He’s always handing out advice but he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about.

If you ‘invite somebody out’ you ask them to go with you to some pleasant event.

* I’ve been invited out to dinner by an old friend.
* He invited me out to the cinema but I was too tired and went back to my hotel room.

If you ‘wear something out’, you use it to the point where it becomes weak or damaged.

* My brakes have worn out. I need new ones urgently.
* I’ve worn out my shoes shopping for the perfect dress.


Pearson Brown English Lesson -Phrasel Verb "Out"

If you ‘show somebody out’, you show them the door out of the building.

* My secretary will show you out.
* Could you show Ms Smith out?

If you ‘set out’, you start a journey or activity.

* We need to set out early if we want to get there in time for lunch.
* I set out to be an architect but ended up a zoologist.

To ‘set out’ can also mean to give all the details or a full explanation.

* She set out all the facts clearly in her presentation.
* The contract clearly sets out your terms of employment.

If you ‘cross something out’, you draw a line through it because it is wrong.

* You can’t just cross out things you don’t like in the contract. We need to retype it.
* Just cross out her name and put your own in its place.

If you ‘miss out’ on something, you don’t get something that you would like that other people get.

* I missed out on the bonus because I’d not met my sales targets.
* There are some real bargains in the sales. Make sure you don’t miss out.

If you ‘pass out’, you lose consciousness.

* He had too much to drink and passed out.
* It was so hot that I thought I was going to pass out.

If you ‘pass something out’, you distribute it to people in the room.

* I’m going to pass out a copy of the letter for you to study.
* Could someone pass out these papers, please?

If you ‘point someone or something out’, you indicate where they are, either by speaking or by pointing your finger.

* If Diana is at this party, I’ll point her out to you.
* Martin pointed out several mistakes I had made.

If you ‘point something out’, you tell them a fact they did not know, usually relevant to the current discussion.

* Harry pointed out that our sale in China were rising rapidly.
* I must point out that this new system has several disadvantages.

If you ‘share something out’, you divide it into smaller amounts and give one part to each person.

* We shared out the bonus between seven of us.
* You need to share out the work equally between you.
