Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pearson Brown English Lesson -Phrasel Verb "Into" part 1

English Phrasal Verbs – into part 1

If you ‘bump into’ someone, you meet them by chance.

* I bumped into Martin in the mall.
* You’ll never guess who I bumped into today.

If you ‘burst into a room’ or ‘burst into tears’, you do it suddenly and without warning.

* Don’t burst into my room like that. Please knock first.
* When I told him the bad news, he burst into tears.

If something ‘comes into’ force, it begins to happen.

* The new tax rules come into effect from next Monday.
* When the changes come into effect, productivity is certain to rise.

If you say that a particular emotion or quality ‘doesn’t come into it’, it means that it doesn’t influence the situation.

* I promoted Kate because she was the best person for the job and the fact that she is my daughter didn’t come into.
* She’s rich because she’s good at what she does. Luck doesn’t come into it.

Often when we use ‘go into’ it has the idea of ‘entering’.

* I was thinking about going into politics.
* The new model has just gone into production.

Sometimes ‘go into’ can mean to do things in great detail.

* The deal sounds good but we’ll have to go into the details of the contract.
* It’s very complicated and we don’t have time to go into that now.

Time, money or energy that has ‘gone into’ a project, is what has been used or spent on the project.

* Over $100,000 has gone into the development of this new system.
* I appreciate that a lot of effort has gone into the writing of this report.

If you ‘grow into’ an activity, you become better at doing it over time.

* She was very unsure at first but has really grown into her new job.
* Give it some time and you will grow into the role.

If you ‘talk someone into’ doing something, you persuade them to do it.

* I didn’t want to come but Annie talked me into it.
* I think I can talk him into it.

If you ‘tune into’ a particular radio or television station, you select it.

* More and more people are tuning into ‘The Apprentice’.
* People listen to their Ipods and don’t tune into the radio as much as before.


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