Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pearson Brown English Lesson - Phrasal Verb "put"

I have been subscribing Pearson's Bonus English for quite some time. But to be honest, I only did the excersises for twice or so. Am ashamed of my laziness, but sometimes my physical strength and mental ability simply fall short of my will in self-learning.

Let’s continue with more expression with the verb ‘to put’ combined with particles. Here are some more of the most common expressions:

to put forward’ an idea or opinion means to suggest something for discussion.

* A few suggestions have been put forward for consideration.
* Jan put forward a few ideas for raising money for the charity.

to put forward’ a person or a name means to suggest someone for a job or position.

* He put his name forward as a candidate for election.
* I’ve put Peter’s name forward for the post in accounts.

to put in’ means to install new equipment or a new system.

* We have put in a more powerful engine in the new version.
* We’ve just had a new bathroom put in.

to put in’ money means to invest.

* I’ve put a lot of money in this project. I hope to make a good profit.
* I’ve put all my money in government bonds.

to put in for’ means to request a transfer or to apply for a job.

* I hope I get the job in Toronto. I’ve put in for a transfer there.
* She’s put in for the job in the Export department but I don’t think she’s qualified for it.

to put into’ If you put time, money or energy into something, it means that you invest a lot in it.

* I’m not happy with the result even though I’ve put a lot of time into it.
* She put a lot of effort into getting it right.

to put off’ an event means to postpone it to a later time.

* Tomorrow will be too late. Don’t put it off.
* She’s put the wedding off until her father has recovered from his illness.

to put someone off’ means to stop them doing something by disturbing them.

* I wish he would let me work quietly. His talking puts me off my work.
* All the people watching put him off his game. He didn’t play very well at all.

to put someone off’ another person means to make them dislike someone.

* His arrogant attitude puts people off him very quickly.
* The stories I heard about him really put me off him.

to put off’ the light means to switch it off.

* I couldn’t sleep. I finally put the light off at two in the morning.
* Can you put the light off, please? It’ll be easier to see the screen.

Here are the exercises:

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